

For the last two years I’ve migrated from working on commercials and music videos to mobile games! Within our studio S77 we’ve started Super88. We are a total of two artists and two programmers hoping to expand in the near future. We have released two full apps, finished two others, and are currently working on a few more. We just put up our site with a Dev Blog coming very soon. Check out our site here: and download our games! Feedback is always super nice. ❤ 13407228_993207804129012_316724163840642944_n.png




For the last 5 months I’ve been working with a team of 5 to create the newly revised Spinjas! We created a full app as well as a new version of the actual toy. We just announced as well as demoed at this years NYC ToyFair! We are currently wrapping up the app which will be released for android and iOS. Buy the toy and scan them right into the game to play! Here is the first wave of 24 characters and many more to come. I will be posted more frequently on this as well as multiple other app we have no released!

What’s new? Let me tell you!


Just an update on the art life of myself. Finished things! After a long while of communication, revisions, different print shops…The first wave of shirts have been made of my Jackson Galaxy design! You can find them on his site here:

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I discovered the website Fiverr mid-late last year and thought it was a neat idea. So I created a gig just doing one simple styled portraits for…just $5! Which you make only $4 of….I thought it would be good practice…but then it slowly killed my soul. So many orders. Endless. In about the first month I did over 100. And then came email requests. Needless to say I shut it down. But I did a lot of fun portraits, and met a ton of great people! I DO still take requests, but they are no longer…$5…Check some of them out!


Lastly…The main consumption of my time has been spent doing 3d and illustrating for a mobile game my studio is making! We started it last year and hoping to wrap it up mid this year. It has been a CRAZY process and learning experience. I cannot show anything yet but here in the next months we should be getting up our website for it! SO stayed tuned. In the mean time…A for fun app we’ve created called “Filthy Bear” has been submitted for approval today and I will post with the link assuming it gets approved!


Keep cool everyone ❤